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Petra is a coach for challenging life situations, initiated shaman with personal experiences in Peru and North America and an Essence Trainer.

She lives with her partner and her two cats in the Mainz area in Germany and works part-time as a tax assistant.

Petra felt a strength within herself that made her a seeker. A seeker who brings her back into harmony with her true self. This search led her into training in soul meridians and self-healing methods and more than 10 years ago to Essence Training and also to shamanism.

From her love for nature – everything is spirit and connected to each other – her holistic approach is born, which she also lives in her own kitchen and herb garden, with plants and harvests and the subsequent preparation of very natural and delicious dishes.

In her coaching sessions, she opens up a space that is individually created for the client and that allows people to experience security and comfort.

Here her high presence and spiritual guidance work, which support her careful guiding and accompaniment into the depths.

Dutch, English, French, German
Petra offers individual coaching sessions – also by phone and Skype – and workshops on “Your Energy in Action”.